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You attract what you ARE, not what you think about. Learn how to align who you are with where you are going to manifest your best life.

Continue reading for the step by step process needed to shift you into the energy of abundance. 



Part 1: What is Money?

Money is the physical or digital representation of an ENERGY that has existed since the beginning of time. Whether it be pounds, dollars, gold, silver or any other form… they are all aspects of a greater energy of Universal Abundance.


The energy of Money, in its purest form, is the energy of the permanent and eternal love and support of the Universe, that wants to see you flourish like all other aspects of nature. It is the love that wants to see you prosper, and it has been there since the point of creation. Without it, there would be no life at all. 


It is the same energy that allows nature to blossom into the infinite beautiful creations, and is the energy that allows for the expansion of life... and expansion is what the Universe has been concerned with since the beginning of time. 


The energy that expands the Universe, is the same energy of Abundance that is always, always, always available.


The first step to creating more wealth in your life, is to understand exactly what the energy of Money/Abundance is. To recognise it as an eternal force that is always present, no matter what you’re told, believe or see on the TV. There is no shortage and there never will be. You must believe this in order for you to start magically manifesting Money. 


This energy can NEVER be diminished. It is always there. It is the most powerful force of loving support that simply wants to see you flourish and see your dreams come true. Knowing this is the first step in attracting massive wealth to you.


Yes, you CAN absolutely have it all. As long as there is life, Abundance and love will always be there for you. You must believe this truth and set aside all other beliefs to witness the magic of the Universe and alignment with your desires. 


Click the button below if you would like to explore my guided, Money Meditation.

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Part 2: What is your relationship with Money?

In part 1 above, I shared that Money is an Energy. It is the energy of Universal support, that simply wants to see your dreams come true. It wants to see you expand. Bearing this in mind, ask yourself the question, what is your relationship Money? 


If you were in a relationship with Money, and Money was a loving, doting partner and being, how would Money feel about how you treat it? 


Would it feel like you neglect it?

Would it feel that you are angry with it and it is never enough for you?

Would it feel like you only appreciate it when you need it?

Would it feel like you use it carelessly or disrespectfully?

If Money was your partner in your life, would it feel loved and appreciated by you? 


Ask yourself the questions above and explore your feeling towards Money as a whole. How you feel about Money and its energy is a reflection of your perspective and feelings towards the Unconditional support and love from the Universe.

If you are angry at Money, you are angry at Life as a whole. If you feel you have to sacrifice your life for Money, you will also feel that you have to sacrifice yourself for Love.


This is why they are both linked together: the energy of Abundance and the energy of Universal Love are both one and the same. How you feel about one is how you feel about the other. How you feel about Money is how you feel about life and the love of God. You have to harmonise one to harmonise the other.


Notice what comes up for you and feel free to share in my Facebook group. 


Part 3: Money needs Containers

Congratulations on reading to this point. By diligently following this exact process, success in manifesting money is guaranteed.


Once mastered, this technique extends beyond money, enabling you to manifest anything. Any resistance may stem from being completely content with what you have, with no desire to have more, OR from operating under a subconscious, sabotage program of belief.


Having applied the preceding lessons, you're gradually aligning your energy with Money (Abundance), and en route to witnessing magical signs of alignment with Money. Remember, this is a practice. You must bring yourself into the feeling of Money regularly, especially when it feels difficult. Trust me, your hard work and commitment WILL pay off. 


Now, let's delve into the concept of Money needing Containers.


Throughout history, not a single person has succeeded in manifesting and keeping Money, without a precise understanding and clarity around what it is that they desire. While many articulate what they don't want very well, few can specify what they actually truly desire. The energy of Money requires incredibly specific containers to flow towards.


For this part, you must clarify what Money would purchase, whether a house or any other desire, down to the minutest detail—the front door, carpet, rooms, and furnishings for a house, for example. Energetic Containers include the specifics of your house, car, next holiday, and business. I tweak my 'containers' every couple of days until they feel right and complete.


Take a pen and some paper, and meticulously map your desires. Visualise your vision clearly, observing any interference from your mind in the creative process. Engage your senses—see, hear, smell, feel your dream reality. Refine regularly, ensuring your containers make your desired reality palpable. Take time doing this or you won't have much luck with the manifestation process. This step is overlooked by so many, who then give up on the process altogether.


Make your containers so vivid that when your desired reality materialises and manifests, it feels almost indistinguishable from your practiced vision. It should be practiced to the extent that when the manifested reality arrives, it does not even surprise you.


Regularly, deliberately breathe life into these containers to embody the reality you desire.

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Part 4: Your desires already exist

Congratulations on making it to part 4. If you’re reading this, you’ve taken the time to really take control of your financial world and I congratulate you. Keep going 🙌🏽


This part is about recognising that your Soul is drawn to a reality that already exists in energetic, etheric form.


Think about what you desire - the relationship, the car, maybe a project, a promotion, a holiday or an experience. Whatever the experience is that you’re drawn to, your soul desires it because it already exists for you in a future timeline and in an energetic form. 


If you’re not excited by doing a sky dive for example, it does not exist in your future reality. Your desires are whispers from the Soul and point you towards a reality that is already mapped out for you. Your job is to simply align with it.


Read that again.


We see Time as linear but, in fact, it’s not. Everything takes place at exactly the same time when it comes to energy. When you think of a past event, you’re drawing an energy that has already been created. The same applies to your future. Whatever you think about, draws on the energy of that thing, which can not be created or destroyed.


So your job, when it comes to aligning and attracting your future, is to bring your future reality, into your present, THROUGH FEELING. Go back to part 3 which is about ‘Money needing containers’ ☝🏽 and get really clear on what you want first. (You may want to start with one desire instead of a whole host of them, in order to practice this process of feeling into your future.) 


Can you feel as though you are ALREADY experiencing that thing, event or manifestation, in the now? What would it feel like to have it? How would it feel in your body? What and who would it make you become as a person? Your true desires will create an expansion inside you and that's how to know if you are aligned.


Bring your future reality into the now, through practice and visualisation, and try to hold it for 17 seconds. This sends out a frequency of energy that is then matched by the Universe 💫

When I first started doing this process, I would be so immersed in the thought of my manifestations becoming reality, that my body would physically vibrate!

Let your dreams take over, even if it is just for a moment.


More in part 5 below …


Part 5: Changing your Money beliefs

Here are some myths around Money:


  • There is a shortage of Money

  • You have to work hard and sacrifice your priorities for Money

  • Some people are more likely to make Money because of their background

  • It’s unrealistic to expect Money

  • You don’t deserve Money


Here are some Universal and energetic truths around Money:


  • Abundance and the energy of Money can never run out because at its core, money is the energy of Universal love and support. Not only can it never run out, you deserve it

  • You do have to WORK to get money but not from a place of resistance. The greatest amounts of money come when you’re in a state of inspiration and play. 

  • No one is more or less deserving of Money. The fact that you are here means you have access to a morphogenic field of energy (money) that you have the ability to align with. Money is always there, all you have to do is let it in and have fun while you do it. 

  • It is realistic to expect money when you understand that everything is energy and that all other limitations are imposed beliefs that are not actually “real”. 

Limited Money beliefs need to be curated out of you through regular, healthy self talk and awareness of when you are operating from a limited mindset. An Abundance mindset knows that there are infinite ways to draw in money and that money can come from anywhere. Remember - believing is seeing!

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Part 6: The Morphogenic Field

Your field composes of the layers of energy that surround you. It contains codes, waveforms and frequencies.


All energies exist in etheric form, including the morphogenic field of Millionairres - a wider field of energy, of the abundant people that have come before you. Your job is to connect and DRAW in energy from that field through your intention. 


See it as an infinitely large tank of water that you intentionally "open the tap" into, for you to draw water (Abundance) from it. 


In order to manifest, you need to be able to call in the energy of the Abundance blueprint that already exists - from those who came before us, and also the energy of Abundance from our future visions and desires.


Every hour, set a reminder to tune in. It feels like expansion in the heart which is the most powerful place to manifest from. The mind is also powerful but holds many more distortions. The mind can get you quite far, but the heart will take you places that the mind can not go.


To do this, you need to be aware of your present financial reality but in an unattached way, and at the same time, have a clear vision of exactly what you want:


💰 The exact figure you want

💰 The date by which you want it 

💰 Bring it to life through your imagination, whilst staying unattached to the outcome


Tuning into the field is to have an open heart; to tune into the field of Money/Abundance that already exists; to bring your desire to life through your senses and by going into a dream like, meditative state. See it, feel it and recognise the detail. Notice how you feel with it, until what you have dreamed feels like it is in the now. It' how you FEEL that matters, not what you think when it comes to manifesting. 


By doing this you collapse a wave into a particle in the quantum energy world, and draw in your dream reality. The more you tune into this field of Abundance and possibility, the faster your internal distortions dissolve and you start to see signs of your manifestations 🌟 

Remember that Expansion leads to Manifestation and Contraction leads to Limitation.



Part 7: Interviewing your Millionairre Self

Interviewing the Millionaire version of you ie your Higher Self is about seeing yourself as you would BE when and after your manifestations come to life.

This is a journey to becoming the being you came here to be. It is who you become that is the most important aspect of this journey, not what you manifest.


Now the fun begins! Manifesting a new reality requires for you to be somewhat “deluded”. To be a dreamer and to use your imagination. You have to be able to see yourself in a new reality, to feel into it and to positively expect it to come in. This also activates your 3rd eye 👁️ I often say to clients that they should imagine and feel until they feel a flutter in their heart.


This next part is about Manifesting your future self into the Now and interviewing them. Create an ideal, desirable Avatar of yourself and see them clearly. Allow your mind to see them and feel into their emotional state. Notice what comes up and feel free to share in my Facebook group.


Some questions to ask yourself Millionaire Self:


⭐️ Tell us about yourself and your journey

⭐️ What have you discovered?

⭐️ What do you know about life for sure?

⭐️ What do you no longer worry about?

⭐️ How is life and you different now?

⭐️ What do you say YES to now?

⭐️ What do you say NO to now?

⭐️ How do you dress?

⭐️ Who do you spend time with?

⭐️ What does your day look like?


Answer these questions and then show up as your Higher/future self in the way that you walk, talk, choose and navigate life.

To be continued in part 8 …

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Part 8: Gratitude to expand your field

Gratitude is not only a way to make yourself feel good. It is the greatest energy trick in the book, that humanity tends to overlook. Gratitude creates a field of energy around you that is super magnetic, charged and expansive. Infusing your vision with gratitude, for not only what you have but *from the perspective of yourself when your desires have been manifested*, is an incredibly powerful way to bring your vision to life into your now reality. 


Give gratitude for how money is already showing up for you:


What can you be grateful for now that money is making possible? How can you appreciate it more right now? 


Examples: Gratitude for…


Running water

A warm bed

A television subscription

A car to drive

Legs to walk


The clothes on your back


Also expressing gratitude for what money will bring into your life from the future, as though it is here now, brings your manifestations to you faster:


Expressing gratitude for receiving your manifestations, catapults and expands your energy even further. You’ve got to use your imagination in a deeper way to do this and, as always, practice makes perfect.


Examples: I am Grateful for …


The 5 bedroom house I am living in

A car in my drive that is a pleasure to drive

A healed leg that allows me to move freely

The safety and security of money in the bank

The successful meeting

The sense of accomplishment at the end of my day 

Go deeper into the entire Manifestation process by downloading my Ascension process below.


Part 9: Your Higher AKA Future Self

Showing up as your Highest and Best Self means bringing your future reality into the now and becoming the person that the reality would create.


Welcome to part 9. So far we have looked at our relationship with Money (Abundance) and how to use and channel this energy. We have also looked at interviewing our most Abundant self. 


In the same way that we can look back at our past selves and bring them into harmony in the now (the fastest way to do this is through my Abandonment Release meditation HERE) … we can also look “back” onto our present self, from the perspective of our FUTURE self.


In other words, if your future, abundant self looked back to today, what is the vision they would want to show you? What is the future that they would want you to see?


Showing up as your highest and best self starts with how you speak to yourself. This is an essential part of reprogramming and curating your mind to receive abundance.


Some affirmations to say regularly (especially when feeling contracted or fearful) are:


🌟 I am exactly where I am supposed to be

🌟 Everything is always working out for me

🌟 I am loved

🌟 I am safe

🌟 Me and my desires are one

🌟 I am strong 

🌟 I am smart

🌟 I am beautiful

🌟 I can do it

🌟 I am living my highest and best life now

🌟 I choose to connect with my millionaire self now

🌟 My heart, mind and gut are perfectly aligned with millions 


This level of regular reprogramming accompanied by the vision of your future self, is a winning combination 🏆 You’ll know when you’re ticking both boxes when you feel expansion inside your body and when resistance melts. Look for the feeling of *fluttering* in the heart.


What does your Future self look like? How do they walk? How do they talk? How do they live?  Who do they hang around with? How do they feel?

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Part 10: Breaking Generational Curses around Money and what to do while you wait

Our natural state of being is Abundance. We are born free of limitation. All limitations are imposed and adopted beliefs, that we pick up from our environments and upbringings. Many of the limited beliefs around Money that we hold are passed down through generations. They are effectively subconscious curses that prevent us from reaching our full potential in this life. Not only do you deserve to experience Abundance, it is also your duty to break these curses and stop them from being passed down through your lineage. You are here to purify your system of fear, lack and density.


The steps 1 -10 listed above are all incredibly important when it comes to aligning with Money. Once you are clear in your mind about how you would use Money, on a personal and global level, and who you would become as a result, the key is to practice that state of being often. What you give out is what will be returned. Remember, you are a human being not a human doing.


When you are aligned with the internal feeling of Abundance by using your mind to imagine instead of fear the worst, look out for signs of your alignment while you wait for your Manifestations. This may look like number synchronicities, meaningful coincidences, even small amounts of money to begin with. Journal what you receive and allow yourself to look forward to your manifestations coming to life. These are all indicators that you are aligning with what you desire and to continue trusting the process.


The same process can be applied to anything else that you’d like to manifest. Finding your perfect partner can be a little trickier, so I have created a roadmap for you to download and follow, to get you on track.


Click the button below to get started.

The Next Step...

Start calling in consistent $10k a Month in the same way that I did

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